Audra Watt’s Debut Single

Bullet Trains


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Listen on Apple Music

Being yourself is better than trying to be perfect.

When I turned 40, I decided to wholeheartedly pursue my long-forgotten dream of writing, recording, and releasing music.

As a wife, mother, and corporate executive in healthcare, I now also embrace the role of singer-songwriter.

I've learned to embrace imperfection in my pursuit of authentic joy, seeing it as a pathway to growth.

My aim is to create a raw, complex, and genuine soundtrack that reflects my multifaceted life, allowing me to connect with both myself and others.

If nothing else, I hope to show my kids what it looks like to never give up on yourself and to never settle.

I would love to share my journey with you- join my email list to be the first to hear about new music, upcoming shows, behind-the-scenes stories, and more!

Information about upcoming music releases

Live performances, writer’s rounds, and other events

Sing an anthem of authenticity

Sing an anthem of authenticity